Independently owned since 1905

Thank you for trusting us to keep you informed

Our job as a newspaper is to inform our readers, to be leaders of information in local communities. I get a lot of random questions from people every day. Most of the time, if it’s something we’ve written about, I’ll end my answer jokingly with “I read it in The Ledger.”

It’s true, though. Looking back on more than six years owning a newspaper, there’s a lot of random knowledge in my brain that I never would have learned if I wasn’t reading the newspaper or covering local events and meetings.

The 2023 Local Newspaper Study provides evidence that newspapers are important. Here are a few highlights from that survey:

• 8 out of 10 Americans read print or digitally access newspaper content every month.

• 49% of newspaper readers are male and 51% female. 78% are under the age of 65, 61% are homeowners, 67% have household income greater than $50,000 and 71% have lived in the community for more than 5 years.

• 43% of Americans believe newspapers are the most accurate source of original reporting compared to 33% for local TV, 17% for social media and 7% for local radio.

• 66% of Americans believe that publishing public notices in newspapers should be required.

• The top 5 reasons people read newspapers: stay informed, feel connected with the community, decide where they stand on local issues, find places and things to do and to talk to other people about community news.

The Ledger has been informing Sanders County for over 118 years. We are proud that our communities continue to trust us to provide local information.

Thank you for supporting local journalism and reading The Ledger!

– Annie Wooden


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