Independently owned since 1905
Thompson Falls librarian Crystal Buchanan gave her fiscal yearly report to the board of commissioners last week. This included the counts for patrons who walk through the door and those who sign up for new cards, plus previous cardholders and checked out items. Computer usage was counted as well.
“We had 27,600 individuals visit the library,” Buchanan said. There were 165 new members making the total 2,752. The library increased the number of items available for checkout by 863. This helped to create the total of 34,842 items that were checked out of the library.
Wifi and computer usage was counted as well. “ Physical use of in-house computers was 1,458, and wifi had 27,121 users,” Buchanan said.
“We had one super awesome summer reading program with 130 participants,” she added. Ages seven and up read 77,385 minutes. Ages six and under read 3,345 books. There were 11 story times for tiny tots, and eight science events, Buchanan added. “The library also has local artists’ artwork featured every month.”
“Part of the funds from our book sales paid for the Animal Wonders event last Saturday, October 14. We hope to be able to have that event again next year,” she said. Animals that have been rescued but are unable to return to the wild and are gentle enough for kids are included in the program. A few that showed up were a skunk, sugar gliders, a hawk and a rare kangaroo.
Another new addition to the library is the Memory Maker digitization equipment. Buchanan said information is on the library’s Facebook page.
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