Independently owned since 1905

Sheriff's Log

Ambulance: Plains, 12; T. Falls, 8; Hot Springs, 1; Trout Creek, 1; Noxon, 1;

Monday, February 19

Parking problem, T. Falls.

Suspicious activity, report of being drugged by friend, Perma.

Inmate transport, T. Falls.

Civil attempts, Unknown.

Inmate transportation, T.Falls.

Civil attempts, Unknown.

Business contact, T. Falls.

Road hazard/blockage, Plains.

Other law violations, T. Falls.

Tuesday, February 20

General Animal Call or Complaint, Hot Springs

Nuisance Complaints, Fake hundred dollar bill passed to business between Friday and Saturday. Bank identified it was a false bill, T.Falls.

Assault, Report of assault in Noxon school, Noxon.

Abandoned vehicle, Plains.

Disturbance, Dixon.

Theft, reported theft of firearm from former residents, suspect knew resident, Hot Springs.

Animal other, Plains.

Wednesday February 21

Mental health issue, Plains.

Traffic complaint, T.Falls.

Trespass, T. Falls.

VIN inspection, T. Falls.

Welfare check, Plains.

Person missing, T.Falls.

Disturbance, Plains.

Disturbance, T.Falls.

Motor vehicle crash, Hot Springs.

Automated alarm call, Hot Springs.

Thursday February 22

Welfare check, Trout Creek.

General Animal Call or complaint, Trout Creek.

Request for welfare check, Plains.

Welfare check, Plains.

Traffic complaint, Heron.

Property damage, possible criminal mischief, T.Falls.

Property damage/ Criminal mischief, Hot Springs.

General animal call or complaint, Plains

Traffice complaint, Perma.

Request for welfare check, Hot Springs.

Threats, T. Falls

Traffice complant, Hot Springs.

Attempt to locate, Plains.

Business contact, Plains.

Animal other, Plains.

Business contact, Plains.

Business contact, Plains.

Business contact, Plains.

Business contact, Plains.

Friday February 23

Request for welfare check, Plains.

Road hazard, debris on road, T.Falls.

Civil attempts, Plains.

Motor vehicle crash, T. Falls.

Civil served, T.Falls.

Livestock, Plains.

General animal call or complaint, T.Falls.

Business contact, T. Falls.

Business contact, T. Falls.

Business contact, Plains.

Business contact, Plains.

Saturday February 24

Other accident, report of fleeing scene of accident, Paradise.

Business contact, Plains.

Disturbance, Hot Springs.

Civil attempts, Plains.

Civil attempts, Hot Springs.

Trespass, complaint of trespassing, Plains.

Suspicious activity, T.Falls.

Animal other, T. Falls.

Civil attempts, Hot Springs.

Civil attempts, Plains.

Disturbance, T. Falls.

Welfare check, Dixon.

Livestock, Perma.

Abandoned vehicle, Hot Springs.

Other law violations, driving with no insurance, Plains.

Property damage.criminal mischief, damage to hotel room, T.Falls,

Business contact, T.Falls.

Business contact, Plains.

Sunday February 25

Business contact, Plains.

Assist miscellaneous, Hot Springs.

Parking problem, T. Falls.

Livestock, Plains.

Parking Problem, Hot Springs.

Business contact, Hot Springs.

Body found/coroner, unattended death, Plains.

Trespass, Plains.

Harassment. Privacy in Communication T. Falls.

Theft, Hot Springs.

Assist miscellaneous, Hot Springs.

Suspicious activity, Hot Springs.

Business contact, Plains.

Suspicious activity, Plains.

Suspicious activity, T. Falls.

Extra patrol request T. Falls.


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