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Open Meadows: Springtime rituals

The warm weather invites us to open up the windows to clear the air in our stuffy homes. The season of cleaning is upon us. Some will scrub top to bottom making sure all the old dust collected in corners is removed. This can be refreshing for the habitants of the house. It also gets rid of stored energies that need to be flushed out. This clearing is good for everyone in the household. Stagnant air and energy can cause fatigue, breathing problems and even emotional unrest.

The clearing goes deeper than scrubbing the cobwebs from the ceiling, the gook behind the stove, or the scum in the shower. It involves clearing your other house, the house that sits inside you. You can do this while scouring the tub, or in a quiet meditative state. Begin by thinking about a hose that is connected to your feet or root chakra. The root chakra is located at your tailbone. Imagine flipping a switch to drain the sludge of stale old energy from your body, for as long as is needed. Next, imagine that your aura is also being scrubbed. This is an invisible bubble that surrounds your body. Yes, it needs tending to on a regular basis just like your houses. Picture the bubble that surrounds you. Take a bucket of soapy water and a mop or sponge, whatever you prefer to clean with, then start cleaning it all around you. When you feel like it is thoroughly cleansed, imagine the water being poured down a drain or into the ground taking with it all of your old, tired, unwanted energy. This is energy from thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you. Next, picture golden light above your head that pours in to fill up your aura and your body. Drink it in. Let it soak in until you feel completely renewed and refreshed.

One thought to keep in mind is accepting ourselves. It is often the case where we judge ourselves too harshly. When looking in the mirror, see the perfection that is there. If you are like me, you might tend to always see a need for improvement. The things I consider flaws in myself I recognise as beauty in others. While cleaning and clearing your houses, accept and appreciate who you are and what you have. This in itself will help with the spring ritual.

Another thought to consider while going through the motions of disinfecting is how your emotions are reflected to others. Words have power. Thoughts have power. Stop and think about what has been spoken from your lips. Negative energy that does no one any good can create a ripple effect. Positive energy created by thoughts and feelings of good intentions can be a tidal wave strong enough to clean and clear the most stagnant and foulest of built-up grunge in house and home by rituals and tasks regularly performed. Blessings to all for a happy spring cleaning and clearing.

Reach Shannon at [email protected].


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