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Letter: Forum clarification


My name is Linda Weygint. I presented the Budget on May 14 at the Rex. My main reason for this presentation was to bring "awareness" to the citizens of their Constitutional Rights as afforded to them by the Constitution of the State of Montana ....Right to Participation, Right to Know and Freedom of Speech. I had tried on more than one occasion to exercise these rights at City Council meetings. I have met with Mayor Rusti and City Clerk Chelsea and had a very productive and positive meeting on May 22.

City Hall was well aware of this event, a flyer was on their front window by the door. The meeting was put out via Zoom. There was approximately 25 at one time who participated via Zoom.

The intent of the presentation was to inform the citizens of Sanders County. The Rex "donated" their facility for our use. There was NO sponsor of this event it was totally volunteer time, experiences, and expertise of the participants. We worked very hard to present the information in an informational and professional matter. We just wanted to be heard, and to have the citizens hear.

Thank you for your time.

Linda Weygint, Thompson Falls


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