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Question of the week: Do you read local newspapers?

JOY ART, Hot Springs, - “I try not to pay attention to the news. I stay in my gate, so to speak.”

AURORA PAGE, Plains - “I don’t read the paper. I get the news from my friends.”

SIERRA LILLY, Thompson Falls - “I don’t read the newspapers or watch TV. I get noteworthy news from my husband.”

HOLLIS KEY, Hot Springs - “I don’t keep up with the news in the summertime. During the school year I watch current events news provided by an online source, 'World from A to Z.'”

KATHIE FRONAPEL, Hot Springs/Helena - “I love the Sanders County Ledger. I read it online now from Helena. But I love reading local newspapers.”

CASSIE PEACOCK, Plains - “I do not read the paper. I get the news from my mom if she talks about it.”


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