Independently owned since 1905

Justice Court

Montana Highway Patrol

Christopher Blangeres, 46, seatbelt violation, $20; day speeding, $20.

Tyler Paseman, 20, seatbelt violation, $20.

Eric Carter, 44, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Tyrel Tennison, 42, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Ronald Hooten, 77, seatbelt violation, $20.

Allix Swalling, 26, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

David Ward, 61, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Joshua Cooper, 48, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Joshua Arestad, 34, operating without liability insurance in effect, 1st offense, $285.

Jerry Baker, 39, aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, 1st offense, $1,085, 2 days jail with credit for 1 day served.

Eduardo Quezada, 54, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Allen Zempel, 92, seatbelt violation, $20.

Anthony Neise, 23, day speeding, $70.

Justin Noble, 41, seatbelt violation, $20.

Greggory Price, 72, day speeding, $70.

Lance Pearson, 55, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Lori Tapani, 36, night speeding, $70.

Robert Eickert, 53, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Destiny Bourque, 32, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Matthew Nichols, 46, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Damien Young, 38, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Mary Smoglund, 66, night speeding, $70.

Thomas Freir, 74, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Motor Carrier Services

Pete Walters, 56, exceeding max gross weight allowed any group of axles, $210.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

Aidan Kanrilak, 20, fishing without a license, $135.


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