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Veterans retire U.S. flags

The Clark Fork Valley Elks hosted a flag retirement service last Friday. The day itself was a significant one as it was Flag Day. While Flag Day is a national holiday that is often overshadowed by July 4, when the Founding Fathers adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, it is still a significant day in American history. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes flag designed by Betsy Ross. The original design, while very similar to the flag we know today, only featured 13 five point stars in a circle representing the first 13 colonies. It was fitting on a day that we celebrated the creation of the original flag that the Elks Lodge held a ceremony to retire flags. Many of the retired flags were flown over the graves of our fallen heroes across Thompson Falls, while others had been collected from residents of Thompson Falls where they had been flown proudly until their colors had faded.

Over 50 flags were inspected and brought to be burned. The ceremony began with a prayer,followed by the commander asking his Sergeant at Arms to inspect the flags for approval of retirement.

A small, quiet crowd gathered while over 10 retired service members placed the worn flags into five burning bins, the roaring flames reminding us of the fallen.

"Ceremonies like this make me feel like I am still on mission, and still keeping my service to my fellow and fallen comrades" said first year commander Steve Rogue. Rogue, who served in the Army for over 20 years, also said it's been a privilege to be this year's commander.

Most of us easily recall reciting The Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every school day. The Pledge ends by stating "with liberty and justice for all" and while watching as the faded colors of our flag were retired, those words came to mind. At times like these when our country seems so divided, it is important to remember that our flag flies as a reminder of what America stands for, liberty and justice for all. The ceremony was a solemn occasion but one that I will never forget and was proud to witness.


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