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Gratitude for support

I am writing to express my appreciation for the support from our community of the Thompson Falls Class of 2024.

As a parent of a graduating senior as well as one of the senior class advisors, I am astounded by the generosity of the local businesses and residents.

As a teacher, I have respect and admiration for the residents and organizations who go out of their way to provide scholarship opportunities for students to continue their education beyond high school.

Furthermore, many local businesses and residents donated to the Class of 2024 so the graduates could enjoy the tradition of the senior all-night party, complete with prizes and necessities for their futures.

I would also like to thank Elizabeth Haagenson and Sara Hannum for committing their time and energy to the organization of the party. I know the kids had a great experience spending time together in a safe environment to celebrate their achievements.

With gratitude,

Katrina Nygaard, Thompson Falls


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