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Sales galore for county

The county will be buzzing this weekend as visitors and residents hit the highways for the annual Sanders Saleing county-wide yard sale event.

The two-day yard sale event, hosted by the Thompson Falls Chamber of Commerce, will run Friday and Saturday, featuring more than 80 sales throughout the county. Participants signed up to have sales in Heron, Noxon, Trout Creek, Thompson Falls, Plains, Paradise, Hot Springs and Lonepine.

Chamber of Commerce President Dennis Spurlock of Alera Group in Plains said he’s excited to see what types of treasures people pick up during Sanders Saleing. “Hopefully everyone has gathered lots of spring cleaning items for their sales and residents and visitors can find just what they are looking for,” he stated.

The full list of sales is available on page 5 of this week’s Ledger. Sanders Saleing participants each get bright yellow signs to post at their locations. Each sale will also have extra copies of the complete sale list to distribute to buyers. The Chamber of Commerce website,, features an interactive map with each sale’s site and description.

“A lot of work goes into planning this event each year,” Spurlock explained. “It’s a lot of fun for the community.”

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