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Mayor's Corner

by Rusti Leivestad

Last month I wrote about The Thompson Falls Water Supply, Storage and Distribution

Improvements Project that will address significant upgrades to Thompson Falls water system.

This last month has reinforced and validated the need for this project as Public Works has had

to make temporary repairs on serious leaks on the Church Street main line. For that reason, the

Emergency Waterline Repair (EMR) design is being sent to DEQ for review and approval. While the EMR will be within the scope of the Improvements Project, we are getting formal approval to address this high priority need now so repairs can be made before winter.

The project will be on Church Street between Bighorn Drive and Fourth Avenue, although adjacent areas could be impacted. Best case anticipated start date is first of August to move forward, possible delays could make it the first of September.

Once we are approved to proceed, we will have maps to show construction plans so the public can be aware of areas impacted. Your patience during this process is appreciated. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.


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