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Ambulance concerns

I spoke with Sanders County Sheriff Fielders yesterday (July 18, 2024). The conversation concerned dispatching the ‘tax-supported’ Community Ambulance Service to emergency 911 calls within the Heron Rural Fire District boundaries. This has been a divisive issue in the Heron community for a couple of years.

Last year, the sheriff halted dispatching the Community Ambulance in favor of a ‘privately owned’ ambulance in Heron, much to the dismay and anger of many Heron citizens.

Sheriff Fielders told me that there were a few more ‘hoops to jump through’ and that the change in dispatch was ‘very close to happening’ for the reversal of his earlier decision. This situation should have never happened and it can’t be resolved soon enough. Many folks in Heron are counting the days until the ambulance service we want, need, and pay for, is returned to us.


Debbie Lyman, Heron


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