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Vinson to lead fair parade

The Sanders County Fair Commission gathered last Wednesday evening to discuss some final details for this year's fair Aug. 28-Sept.1.

Chairman Randy Woods noted that the fairgrounds looked better than recent years, kudos to the recently hired part time staff worker, Derek VonHeeder, one of a handful of people at the hour-long meeting at the pavilion, along with board members Ted Forkum, Brian Crain, Jim Newman, and Jolene Burke.

The board received two nominations for the Sanders County Community Service Award - Shirley King of Plains and Dick Vinson of Thompson Falls. Crain motioned to select Vinson and it was quickly seconded by Newman and the board unanimously approved the selection. The person picked is also the grand marshal in the Sanders County Fair parade, which will take place on Saturday, Aug. 31, at downtown Plains.

The 88-year-old Vinson said he was honored and plans to drive a horse and buggy in the parade. Vinson was born in Big Arm and has lived in Thompson Falls for 62 years and was a regular county fair rodeo competitor from 1955-1963. He routinely competed in steer wrestling, bareback, and saddle bronc, nabbing a bareback championship buckle in 1960. He and his wife, Patricia, operated a PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association) sanctioned Vinson Ranch Rodeo in Thompson Falls for over 20 years.

According to his nomination letter, Vinson spent a good portion of his life in the logging business in Plains, Trout Creek and Thompson Falls. "Never one to have just one iron in the fire, throughout his life he has enjoyed being an exotic cattle broker, raising rodeo stock, raising thoroughbred racehorses, which have raced all around the country, and is quite proud of the line of registered black angus cattle he raised, as well as a few buffalo," wrote daughter Diane Vinson Kolberg in the nomination letter.

Juli Thurston, the Sanders County MSU Extension agent, said the 4-H members and leaders will be holding their annual Fair Readiness Day to get the barns and pavilion cleaned and ready for fair time on Saturday. Thurston said that 4-H entries are higher this year and they have 13 more families in the six clubs.

Fair Manager Kristy Sheehan told the board they have $54,000 in sponsorships for this year's fair and are up to 63 vendors this year. There was only one concession booth opening left as of Monday. She said they continue to search for sheep for the children's mutton bustin competition. She said they'd like to have 10 sheep for the three days of competition, which was usually held during a break in the rodeos Thursday, Friday and Saturday. She's checking on a herd from Drummond. Woods gave Sheehan permission to purchase six sheep for sale in St. Regis for $1,000. William Largent of Ather Technology said he has nearly all of the fairgrounds Wi-Fi covered for vendors, 4-H, judges, and staff. Woods said it was important to ensure that the Wi-Fi was fast enough for the ticket ushers; Largent said it would.

Sheehan reported that Sanders County Search and Rescue was offered $10,000 to man the fairgrounds on a near 24/7 operation, but they wanted $17,000, said Sheehan, which means she will be renegotiating with the sheriff's office for additional coverage. She also said the new arena lights are nearly all installed and will be done by the start of the fair on Aug. 28, which opens with a concert by Country singer Levi Blom. The majority of the food and commercial vendors will be open Wednesday and parking for that one day is free, said Rachel Largent, the fair's administrative assistant.

Largent also said they have decided to continue with pre-sale carnival tickets - a $10 savings - at the fair office right up until the end of the business day on Wednesday, the start of the fair.

Sheehan and Woods both said that preparations for the fair are going very smooth. "The fair is going to be packed with a bunch of new games and rides for kids and adults," said Sheehan. "We have lots of food vendors in this year. The grounds are going to be full of things to do and look at," she said. Woods said they're going to have a "new and better" carnival. He added that the fair is going to be "bigger and better than ever."


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