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Mayor's Corner

by Thompson Falls Mayor Rusti Leivestad

Why Move to a town/city?

What motivates a family or an individual to move from a rural setting to a town or city? If you look through the list below, some reasons may be more important to you than others and in a different order of priority. You may have additional wants and/or needs. Depending on the size of the municipality, these services will vary. The challenge of providing “something for everyone” or a “one size fits all” is next to impossible. Utilitarian philosophy is that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. This is a worthy goal which can be debated endlessly depending on the person defining “good”. Guidelines are important when groups of people are living close together and navigating the “rules of engagement”, or how to live within society. When we live in this urban setting, I think it helps to remember what services/resources are here and to ask how they align with the priority (priorities) we list as important to us. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts.

Convenient shopping/banking/restaurants


Community – social networking


Moving back because this is where you grew up

Access to culture and/or church events

Public parks, walking trails

Infrastructure – The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society – e. g., power, water, sewer, roads etc.

Easier access to medical facilities

Opportunities for employment

I am grateful for this community, a place I’m fortunate to call home. Good neighbors, infrastructure, emergency services like ambulance, police and fire, business people, service organizations to name a few. I define them as definitely “good”.


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