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4-H competition kicks off

The Sanders County Fair kicks off this week, but local 4-H members got a head start on the competition with the dog project show and competition on Sunday.

Ten youths competed with their canines Sunday evening at the Trout Creek home of dog project leader Bailee Patten. "I have so enjoyed working with your kids," Patten told family and friends gathered for the competition. "They have done a phenomenal job this year."

First up for the dog competition was agility. Level 1 participants led their dogs around the course on a leash, over jumps and up and down ramps, while the Level 2 and 3 participants were without a leash. Michaela Champneys of the South Side Sparks and her dog Daisy were the grand champion team in level 1, with Aneliese Sapp and her dog Penny awarded the reserve grand champion rosette.

In Level 2, Ava Taylor of Thompson Falls and her dog Piper took the grand champion prize for agility, with Leah Stover and her dog Jada earning reserve grand champion.

Some competitors had a hard time leading their dogs around the course, but the crowd was supportive and the determination and patience of the 4-H members was evident as they didn't give up and worked with their animals. Daniel Warnes showed his dog Opal, who had just had a litter of 10 puppies. Opal wasn't very cooperative in the agility course, but Warnes had a smile on his face throughout the project.

Kyla Warnes was quick around the course with her dog Pearl. The dog stayed close by her side as she coaxed her around the course with a treat. Pearl paid attention and sat for a mandatory five seconds on a platform located about halfway through the course.

Next up was a showmanship competition in which members answered questions of judge Julia Jenks from Libby, then led their dog on a leash around a loop. Jenks was judging how well the 4-H members handle their dogs, as well as how well they interacted.

In Level 1, Giada Viviano and Millie took grand champion in showmanship, while Michaela Champneys and Daisy were the grand reserve champion. Moriah Champneys and her dog Rosie were the grand champion in Level 2, while Luke Dana of Trout Creek and his dog Dottie earned reserve grand champion.

In the final competition of Sunday, 4-H members completed interviews with Jenks and showed off toys and agility obstacles that they had built. Dana described a toy he had made from scraps of denim jeans that were knotted and had treats hidden in them. Aneliese Sapp made a toy of rubber, a tennis ball and rope. She said her dog Penny liked chewing.

Viviano showed a jump she had made for Millie that had two levels, then demonstrated by having Millie jump over both the high and low bars. "Millie is really good at jumping," she told Jenks.

CJ Burnaroos had his dog Felix test out a ramp and platform that Burnaroos had made for his dog project. He said he made it because it was safe and easy for Felix to use. Burnaroos was the top competitor for the level 1 in interview, and Stover won for the level 2 and 3 participants.


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