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Principal has ties to Dixon

Ryan Noland is returning to Dixon as the school's principal. "My mom taught school in Dixon her entire career," Noland said. He went to school in Ronan but said that he used to come to Dixon and help his mother teach dance lessons to her junior high students, Noland commented. "I was in high school at the time," he added.

Noland went to Salish Kootenai College for his teaching degree and took the principal job in Plains while living in Dixon. "I want to be closer to my dad," Noland explained. "I love Dixon, its history and the people in the area," he added. When the position came open after Christa Anderson resigned last spring, Noland said he applied with no hesitation.

"I am really excited to get to know the kids and work with families on a one to one basis," Noland said. His goals for Dixon School are to continue to grow and improve learning opportunities for students. There will be safety and security updates as well as updated playground equipment, Noland said.

"The school has two new teachers as well," Noland said. Sarah Lamphere from Ronan will be the new Special Education teacher, and Sam Hoff will teach fifth grade. Hoff taught for three years at Hot Springs.


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