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Candidate Q&A: State House and Senate

Editor's note: The following are profiles of candidates for Sanders County legislative districts. All candidates were sent questionnaires, but some did not return information.


Name: Devin Jackson

Occupation: Audio Engineer

Education: Trade School Certificated Recording Engineer

What qualities make you the best candidate? I would represent a change in the direction of Montana. Not only am I from a different party from the current Supermajority but I work in technology. If Montana wants to move forward we need people willing to interact with new technologies. The biggest issue the next session will be property tax, I will support relief for seniors and working families. I spent time representing my town and I know that the way we get things done is putting community before politics and party. I am the only candidate that can and will vote to check the governor’s office.

What would you do differently, if anything, for public school funding? We need to use some of the tax surplus to fund our schools. Last session Montana had a $2.7 Billion surplus, the GOP raised our property taxes, and every school in Montana is still broke. It is fiscal neglect. With less than 10% of that budget surplus every county in Montana could’ve had $5 million for their school districts. Big government republicans spent that surplus and raised our taxes with a supermajority, while trying to control curriculum from Helena. I want fiscal responsibility, local control, and equal access for every Montanan.

Would you support a sales tax in lieu of increasing property taxes? Why or why not? No. A sales tax is a regressive tax on being poor. I understand we need to collect more taxes from tourists and less from Montanans, but a sales tax harms the most vulnerable. Any tax that stops a single mother working two jobs from improving her life, but can be ignored by Millionaire Greg Gianforte, hurts Montanans. I also oppose the new tax on playing in Montana, that my opponent wrote and passed last session. The river belongs to all Montanans, making a 12 year old get a Conservation License to swim is taxing our kids to use our rivers.

Name: Denley M. Loge

Occupation: Rancher. Retired Highway worker

Education: BA Geography, University of Montana

What qualities make you the best candidate? Being in the legislature four terms, I’ve gained the experience to deal with all the issues that come to Helena.I have proven that I work for all my constituents during the session and during the interim by helping on DEQ permits, highway department safety matters and FWP planning and access. Last session I passed 16 bills, showing I work with legislators, agencies, and for my constituents. My local involvement on forest land boards include the local farm service agency, planning board, FWP citizens advisory committee, Soil Conservation Board and Private Land/Public Wildlife Council, working to help residents.

What would you do differently, if anything, for public school funding? We have to work on programs to continue our support for technical training for both apprenticeship and trade schools. The retention and pay for teachers, especially new teachers must be addressed. We are losing numbers of teachers and have to address this problem. There are some funding formulas for education that will be addressed in this next session. Our quality of education is in question and we know that is always in the discussion. Our youth and education are of #1 importance to our future.

Would you support a sales tax in lieu of increasing property taxes? Why or why not? A sales tax will not happen in this legislative session. I do favor some local options of a sales tax. For example, St. Regis has a 3% resort tax to pay for the infrastructure of the sewer system. With the resort tax, the town was able to build a sewer system, paid for largely by travelers. This infrastructure burden couldn't have been paid for by locals only. Local option sales taxes for specific projects in certain areas can be a win for the citizens of those areas but it must be well drawn out and a local decision.


Name: Paul C Fielder

Occupation: Retired Wildlife Biologist

Education: Associate in Applied Sciences degree in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science degree in Fisheries Management, Master of Science degree in Wildlife Biology

What qualities make you the best candidate? Experience and Effectiveness makes me the best candidate. I’m EXPERIENCED in how legislative groups EFFECTIVELY conduct business and pass legislation. My wildlife, natural resources and legislative background influences other legislators and agency personnel to follow my lead when I speak on issues. I’ve served in the Montana Legislature since 2021 and been on House Taxation (as Chairman), Fish & Wildlife, Energy, Natural Resources and Rules committees and I am Co-Chair of the Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus. That experience and leadership allows me to best address the interests of Sanders County. My very conservative voting record, endorsements and awards speak for themselves.

What would you do differently, if anything, for public school funding? I’d direct a greater percentage of the available funds specifically to the classrooms and teachers where it will best improve the quality of education for the students. I’d emphasize spending the available funding on the core classes of reading, writing, math, and science where funds will best prepare students for careers after high school. A portion of timber harvest sales are supposed to help fund public schools and reduce reliance on school funding from property taxes. I’ve been working to increase timber harvest from USFS lands to help our economy, fund schools, and reduce wildfire and its associated health hazards.

Would you support a sales tax in lieu of increasing property taxes? Why or why not? I do not! There are three forms of taxes: sales, property and income. Adding a sales tax still allows property tax and income tax increases in the future. I would only support a sales tax if residential property tax or individual income tax was eliminated. In the 2023 legislative session, we provided individual income tax and residential property tax REBATES. A property tax

decrease affects all classes of property, in addition to just residential property. The REBATES could be directed to just residential properties. I support exempting a percentage of the appraised RESIDENTIAL property value to reduce RESIDENTIAL property taxes.

Name: Colleen Hinds



What qualities make you the best candidate? I will be in the legislature as a representative of constituents of Sanders County. My agenda is not Party affiliated. I am open, honest, brave and easy to communicate with. “What you see is what you get.” I can be persistent but coming from a family of 12 siblings I’ve learned how to moderate and get along. The saying “Making good sausage takes a lot of chopping”, comes to mind in legislative work.

What would you do differently if anything for public school funding? Rebalance the property taxes for starters. With more equitable revenue between all 16 classes of property might lessen the mill levies in each district. Also using some Marijuana Tax or establishing a sales tax. Which brings on question 3.

Would you support a sales tax in lieu of raising property tax, why or why not? Fair property tax rates should reduce the amount from seniors, renters and workers with modest or middle incomes. A tiered rate structure for high value homes especially if the home is not your primary residence. If not that, a sales tax could be on luxury items, jewelry, leather goods. TV’s. electronics etc. Sales tax would be EXEMPT on grocery foods, pharmaceuticals and clothing, necessities for living. Then the tax would not be an extra burden on lower income folks.


Name: Shelly Fyant

Occupation: Food Sovereignty Consultant

Education: B.S. Business Administration-Management

What qualities make you the best candidate?

The qualities that make me the best candidate for HD 91, covering 3 counties, are my leadership skills and past experience working with state and federal officials and agencies; ability to see the overall perspective, network with diverse personalities, and facilitate consensus; knowledge of Flathead Reservation history and how Tribal government intersects with the State and Federal entities. A recent graduate of the 8-month Leadership Montana program allowed me to hone my listening skills and understanding of diverse opinions. Those qualities make me the clear choice to fairly represent HD 91 and create a balance in the State Legislature.

What would you do differently, if anything, for public school funding? My public school funding recommendations are to raise or eliminate the 3% inflation cap on the current funding formula (it hasn't kept up and we are currently 10-11% behind), increase quality educator payments, invest in infrastructure and technology so all students have equal access, invest in critical services to support students' needs and professional support for teachers, invest in healthy food programs for school age children and look at ways to improve teacher pay and benefits, housing stipends or local affordable housing in the communities they teach in.

Would you support a sales tax in lieu of increasing property taxes? Why or why not? I do not support a sales tax or increasing property taxes. These aren’t the only choices to fund schools, roads, bridges and public safety. I believe part of the solution is assessing centrally assessed entities i.e. railroads, telecoms, NW Energy, etc. their fair share of taxes shifting some of the tax burden away from property owners. This is outlined in Montana Code Annotated 2023, Title 15. Taxation Part 1. General Provisions. Currently families living on low incomes pay the greatest share of income in property taxes. I will advocate to work towards a fair and equitable property tax system.


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