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CI-128 is deceptive

CI-128 cleverly, deceptively, provides for abortion through the ninth month for any reason whatsoever. Here’s how: Part (2) of Constitutional Initiative 128 states after the unborn child would likely survive outside the womb, “. . . in no circumstance shall the government deny or burden access to an abortion that, in the good faith judgment of a treating health care professional, is medically indicated to protect the life or health of the pregnant patient.” Understand that the mother’s health includes mental health, and mental health can be broadly defined.

It is estimated that 96% of people have a conscience. If that is true, the majority of mothers are under some type of stress if they are considering destroying their unborn child. The stress can include financial difficulties or interrupting a career, but more likely the stress is in the form of coercion from the child’s father.

CI-128 would protect abortion providers from a botched abortion, neglectful behavior, or outright carelessness. Part (3) “The government shall not penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against a person based on the person’s actual, potential, perceived, or alleged pregnancy outcomes.”

What recourse would there be for a botched abortion resulting in the death of the mother?

If Montanans vote for this measure, it is because they are deceived. It would be a rare Montanan who would support the killing of unborn babies through the ninth month. Do not be among the deceived. VOTE NO on CI-128.

Thank you.

Margaret Juneman, Thompson Falls


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