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Vote yes for open primary

Absentee ballots will be received this week. I’m asking you to consider voting “yes” for CI-126. This Constitutional Initiative will change Montana to open primary elections putting all candidates on one primary ballot. We can then vote for the person, and not be limited to the now monopolized primary ballot of party allegiance. Up to top 4 candidates in 10 different Montana races would advance to the general election regardless of party affiliation. This will encourage moderate voices and choices, instead of empowering extremists or party-over-policy agendas. It’s time candidates start working to earn our vote in November instead of letting partisan primaries allow them a summer-slide straight to the general.

A “yes” vote on CI-127 would then affect the general election requiring the top vote-getter of those 4 candidates to be elected by the majority (50% plus 1) of voters. An elected official that earned the true majority of votes would be more apt to represent the people instead of isolating to whichever side of the aisle that put them in power.

I taught civics and government in our public schools. I taught students about rights along with responsibilities. But divisive partisan politics has discouraged civic responsibility from the middle voices in our communities because their voices aren’t heard. It’s time to choose a different way to elect our representatives, one that empowers us to overcome division and build a representational government that actually works for the people of Montana.

Change can be scary, but I’m convinced that these bipartisan initiatives will empower voters over political parties to select and elect people to office who will listen to all of our concerns. Please vote “yes” on CI-126 along with CI-127.

Mindy Ferrell, Trout Creek


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