Independently owned since 1905

CFEC continues to support communities

by Pat Crowder

Clark Fork Enrichment Corp. (CFEC), is making a difference in Sanders County through grants to local nonprofits.

While not in league with the big money grants, there's something particularly satisfying about funding a request from a fourth grade teacher in Hot Springs for help so her class can go on a field trip, or a request for equipment for a science teacher in Noxon.

Continuing their commitment to bringing in opportunities to experience the arts to Sanders County, the CFEC recently funded a pair of drummers from Maui to perform at the schools in Thompson Falls and Plains, as well as the Rex Theater and Paradise Center. The Piatigorsky Foundation classical music performances in the spring are sponsored by a grant from CFEC.

During Covid, most of the requests from area schools were practical matters. In the overall scheme of things, these weren't big items, but for the teachers working hard to teach our kids, they were significant. How good it was to be able to quickly, and with no red tape, be able to meet the needs.

But now, with those needs past, we've been able to again have a bit of fun.

The Thompson Falls School District was the recipient of a grant to purchase a marimba and xylophone for its music program, and the fundraising efforts of the Noxon High School art students to attend Montana Art Interscholastic in Billings were reached through a CFEC grant. CFEC funds a grant to bring Montana Repertory Theater presentations to schools in the county. Additionally, to improve the venues available in the county, both the Rex Theater (electrical and plumbing to install an ice machine) and Paradise Center (new tables for art classes and repair of the concrete floor) received grants.

Libraries are also high on the CFEC's list, particularly when kids are involved. They were able to provide funds for the Thompson Falls Library to purchase art supplies for their youth reading program, and, when the Thompson Falls school library had to move to a different building, CFEC helped with supplies (including portable shelves, a book cart, and storage containers) to make the transition easier.

The Plains School District was undertaking an elementary yearbook project which should be self-sustaining after its first year. CFEC was able to provide the seed money to get them started. It also provided funding for the wellness clinic the district hosted this past spring.

Most recently, the CFEC has provided funds to the Plains/Paradise Senior Center to help them reach their fundraising goal to make repairs to their building.

Making an application for funding to the CFEC is simple, provided the request comes from a non-profit (with a proper tax ID) in Sanders County. All it takes is a letter letting them know about your group, contact information, and details of the request. If the board has questions, and it probably will, there can be follow up. Requests can be mailed to CFEC, PO Box 245, Plains, MT 59859.


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