Independently owned since 1905

Justice Court

Montana Highway Patrol

Robert Andrade, 31, driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, 1st offense, 1 day jail, $675; operating without liability insurance in effect, 1st offense, $275; unlawful possession of open alcoholic beverage container in motor vehicle on highway, $75; careless driving, $75.

Jessica Blake, 48, day speeding, $20.

Clayton Mathers, 64, seatbelt violation, $20.

Kathryn Osiggins, 75, seatbelt violation, $20.

Brandon Haley, 29, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Elliott Parker, 31, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Victoria Pechacek, 24, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

April Hurst, 48, careless driving, $85.

Sophia Garrubbo, 25, day speeding, $20.

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Audra Cobb, 36, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Charles Ferguson, 74, violation in a construction zone, $105.

Julio Ajxohip, 38, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

William Bjorklund, 51, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Michael Brinson, 78, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

James Peterson, operating without liability insurance in effect, $85.


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